Dr. P.K. Jain

Basic Details


Dr. P.K. Jain




Management & Humanities


Phone (O)








Educational Details

Educational Qualification

MBA, Ph. D.



7 years industry and 23 years Teaching

Other Responsibilities :
1. Head of the Department from 2006 to 2009
2. Chairman (Training & Placement) from 2003 to 2006
3. Chairman Legal Cell of the Institute
4. Head (Training & Placement), SLIET from 2012 to Aug. 2013.
5. Honored by Rural Panchayats of Villages for Rural Women Empowerment

Professional Memebership

Professional Membership

Recent Invited Lectures and Chairmanships at National or international Conference/ Seminars

1. Effectiveness of TPM, Quality Circles and Industrial Communication 1st June, 2012 to 16th July, 2012 Vardhman Spinning & General Mills, Ludhiana
2. Role of Spirituality and managerial skills October 2012 Trident Group, Barnala
3. Effectiveness of TPM, Quality Circles and Industrial Communication 1st June, 2012 to 16th July, 2012 Vardhman Spinning & General Mills, Ludhiana
4. Role of Spirituality and managerial skills October 2012 Trident Group, Barnala
5. Eleventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, held at HAWAII, (U.S.A.) May 26 to May 29, 2011 U.S.A., Session Chair6. Eleventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, held at HAWAII, (U.S.A.) May 26 to May 29, 2011 U.S.A.
6. Energy Efficient building System on achieving HR Excellence through passion & Spiritual Manifestation, NIT, Hamirpur.
7. Communication Skills & Personality Dev. For the Degree Students of Chemical Engineering, SLIET, Longowal
8. Communication Skills & Personality Dev. For the Degree Students of Mechanical Engineering, SLIET, Longowal
9. Special Lecture on Swami Vivekananda Ji and the Youth in ISTE Hall 15.09.2011 SLIET, Longowal
Session Chair
10. Personal Development & Guidance 14.03.2008 NIT, Hamirpur
11. Personality Development Lecture at Kashmir Govt. Polytechnic, Srinagar. 04 July, 2011 Srinagar
12. Lecture on Motivation for staff & Students at KendriyaVidyalaya, Ubhawal, Sangrur 07.09.2011 Ubhawal
13. Career Guidance & Personality Development 23.02.2008 Sant Attar Singh Academy, Mastuana Sahib, Sangrur.
14. Stress Management & Motivational Programme for Forest Officers 08.03.2008 Ludhiana
15. Programme on Spirituality & Art of Living 05.04.2008 Duke Fashion India, Ludhiana.
16.Strategies for implementation TQM & ISO 10.06.2010 D.A.V. Institute of Engg. & Tech, Jalandhar.



(A) Journals Published
1. Industry & Institute Interaction: A SLIET Experience, The Indian Journal of Technical Education, 0971-3034
2. Improving the Technical Education-A Critical Appraisal , The Indian Journal of Technical Education 0971-3034
3. Oral Communication: A Key to success for Engineers, The Indian Journal of Technical Education 0971-3034
4. Sustainable & Hill Architecture , Abacus – A Bi-annual International Journal of Architecture, Conservation & Urban Studies 0973-8339
5. Leadership through competing and Caring , Prabandhan Indian Journal of Management
6. Opportunities & Pitfalls in Hosiery Industry under shadow of Globalization, Liberalization & Recession: Can Ludhiana Exporters Compete Worldwide, JIMS 8M
7. Entrepreneurial opportunities in Brahmaur village of H.P, A Journal of Ministry of Rural Development ,Kurukshetra
8. Prayatna- An Effort for Rural Social Transformation, Rag Pickers Society , Rural Development
9. Challenges for small Entrepreneur-A case Study of Ludhiana Hosiery Industry, JIMS 8M
10. Sustainable management in Hilly Region – A Case Study of Micro & Mini Hydro Power Plants Environment Science & Engineering Quarterly
11. Ecological Forces, Landscapes Expressions & The Mind Set The Indian Institute of Architecture
13. Need & Impact of Mid-Day-Meal Programme Journal of Management, 0975-7643
14. The Revitalization of Khadi – A Need of the Hour : A Case Study at Sangrur (Punjab) International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management (IJRCEM)- A Monthly Double – Blind Peer Reviewed Referred open Access International e-journal-included in International Serial Directories. V-2 (2012) 2231-4245
15. Sensitization of Sick & Stressed Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Case Study at Ludhiana (PB.) MAIMT : Journal of I.T and Management (Bi-Annual Referred Journal) Maharaja Agrasen Institute of management & Technology, Affiliated to Kurukhsetra Uni., Kurukshetra, Approved by AICTE 0974-7257
16.Family Business : Challenges & Opportunities PARIPEX :Indian Journal of Research (IJR) (Journal listed in International ISSN Directory, Paris), Paldi, Ahmedabad (Gujrat) 2250-1991
17. A Dire Need of Attractive Action Agenda for Sick/Closed SMEs in Punjab. Indian Journal of Research (IJR) (Journal listed in International ISSN Directory, Paris) 2249-555X
18.Impact of Globalization in Boosting Indian SMEs : Special Reference to Punjab State Asian Journal of Research in Business Economic & Management (AJRBEM) 2249-7307
19.Challenges for Small Entrepreneur- A case Study for Ludhiana Hosiery Industry Pranjana : The journal of Management Awareness

20. The ombudsman’s role in changing the conflict resolutionSystem in institutions of higher education International Journal of Educational, Science and Research (IJESR), ISSN 2249-6947, Vol.2, Issue 2 Sep 2012 23-30
21. Changing Dimensions in IR- Need for New StrategyLessons to Be Learnt From Maruti Violence International Journal of Research in Management, Science & Technology, E-ISSN: 2321-3264)
Vol. 1; No. 1, June 2013
22. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act(MGNREGA) on the touchstone of Social Security Indian Journal Of Applied Research ISSN-2249-555X Vol.3 No.1,Feb 2013
23. Motivational Tools for employees in Banks: A Case study of Punjab National Bank, Hoshiarpur Asian Journal of Research In Banking and Finance ISSN-2249-7323, Oct 2013

24. Implications of Labour welfare measures on Job Satisfaction and productivity: A Study Of Cotton Textile Industry in Punjab, International Journal of Management & Information Technology, ISSN 2278-5612
Vol. 5, No. 2 august,2013
25. Implementation of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in Schools: A Comparative Analysis of Mansa and Barnala Districts of Punjab (India), International journal of Educational Science and Research (IJESR) ISSN:2249-8052 Mar-31 2013
26. Teachers perception regarding the impact and performance of Mid day meal schemes in Sangrur district of Punjab, Prabandhan- Indian Journal of management Vol.6, No.10,Oct.2013
27. Evaluating Labour Welfare Legislations and Measures- A Study of Cotton Textile Industry In Punjab
Universal Journal of Management, ISSN: 2331-9577, Vol. 1 No 2, Oct 2013, pp. 97 – 102
28. CHANGING LIVES THROUGH SOCIAL INNOVATION: A CASE STUDY OF KALGHIDHAR TRUST, BARU SAHIB (HIMACHAL PRADESH) INDIA Journal of international academic research for multidisciplinary (jiarm) ISSN: 2320-5083
29. Do we really need FDI in retail The Indian express page, Oct.15,2012
30. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition )Act, 1970- Need To Revisit Immediately, Journal of international academic research for multidisciplinary (JIARM), Impact factor: 1.393 ISSN: 2320-5083, June, 2014
31.Work and Family Life Balance Among Police
Personnel: A Case Study of Punjab Police The Indian Police Journal April-June 2014
32. Leadership crisis in higher education : A need for urgent measures IJSSIR, SJIF (Scientific Journal Impact factor) : 3.503, Vo. 4 No. 3 ISSN: 2277-677X, July-Sept. 2015
33. Country of origin influences and consumer decision making – A study of Indian market International journal of sales & marketing management research and development (IJSMMRD) Impact factor (JCC):5.7839; ICV: 3.0; Vol-5 Issue-6 ISSN(Online): 2249-8044; ISSN, (Print):2249-6939, Edition: Dec2015

(B) Articles/Chapters published in Books:
01. Education for all through Mid-day-meal- students perception in Punjab Education System Dr. Imran Saleem & Ashraf Imam, ISSN/ISBN No.978-81-313-1323-7



Area of Expertise
Human Resource Management
Labour Law & Industrial Relations
Communication Skills

PhD guided: 2
Thesis submitted: 1
Research Guidance: 6 (Continuing)